To me, art = dirt + paint

A straight object on a two dimensional plane. There is no hidden meaning in this work, although it does wield the power to alter perception. Undoubtedly the work is by a materialist, highlighting the importance of the paint and dirt (the earth that creates trees and consequently paper). The work is on humanity’s first media, being experienced by many on our most recent media, the internet.

Like its maker, the straight object is not perfect. Upon closer inspection, it is full of flaws. These flaws are humanizing, subtly allowing the hand of the artist and his tools to be present.

It is clear the straight object was not produced by machine rather through the act of painting. The machines assisted in nearly all aspects of the production (paint and paper) leaving a narrow space for the artist to make. A mark on a paper with essential Euclidian concepts creating a straight object relying predominately on the artist’s spatial intelligence. 

Art making at its purest mode with a focus on beauty, scale, proportion, form, and space. The works are sufficiently precise and “credible.”

The work is available on Artsy.